The Gysbers'

It’s been a pretty awesome long weekend- full of Easter Festivities, a newborn family session, and then spending time with loved ones. On Saturday, we did yard work all day, and we (meaning my dad) put together the playhouse I scored for Harper from a bidding Facebook Group… She calls it “her house” and watching her play in there is the cutest thing ever. At one point, she was making all the adults come into her house and showing them everything in it.

This family is something extremely special. I worked with both Erica and Aaron at my school, and am just such a fan of their family. Their kids are such sweet hearts, and they loved “photo bombing” their parents. It was so fun spending time with them out in my neck of the woods! Thanks so much Gysbers’ family for spending your Friday evening in front of my camera <3

Dani Buckle

Vancouver Wedding & Lifestyle Photographer

Bradley Family


The Roda's